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Facts About Fleas

Fleas are non-winged blood-sucking insects. Usually, they host animals such as dogs and cats as well humans if they need to. They are also known as tiny bugs ranges from light brown to black colours. To reach their host, they jump from one place to another. Although they don’t have wings, they can jump up to 2 feet in height. Fleas reproduction is like butterflies. Females are laying eggs that hatch into larvae. A single female flea can lay 500 eggs in her lifetime. Every reproduction is consisting of 20 eggs.

Moreover, fleas transmit various diseases including Plague, bartonellosis and typhus, tungiasis and flea tapeworm. The most horrible about fleas is the fact that they are hard to get rid of without professional treatment. Plus, they can live up to 100 days without a host. In Australia, there are almost 88 species of fleas identified. Specifically, 78 of them are endemic to the continent.

Flea Season Australia

Australia is home to flea infestations. In fact, during summer, fleas are a lot active because the eggs, larvae and pupae mature faster in warm temperatures. A temperature of 30 degrees Celsius is much preferred by fleas. The normal development of flea eggs are two months but due to high temperature during summer it reduces to three weeks.

Summer months in Australia are December, January and February. But summer is not the scariest one.  After the heatwaves, the flea population outbreaks for flea activities. Mostly, the reason why they come out is to attack animals for blood. Another thing is, most of them are hiding in the bodies of wild animals like possums, deer, rabbits, raccoons and skunks.

Furthermore, during the winter season, fleas are less active. But they don’t go away completely. Your pets are their target host to warm them. In some cases, they may hide under carpets, beddings, furniture and other areas where they can warm their selves.

Flea eggs don’t die as well during winter; the reproduction will just lessen. Flea eggs will continue to hatch during winter. Unfortunately, when flea inhabits your dogs and cats during cold weather, they can gain enough warmth. Thus making their reproduction faster.

Flea Bites

Fleas mainly feed on animals like cats, dogs and birds. If you have cats and dogs, fleas will ruin their comfort and yours as well towards your pets. To do this, fleas will suck the blood of your pets until they feel itchy and do excess scratching. Their scratches can cause hair loss making them look dirty and uncared. Not only this, cats and dogs are likely to ingest fleas during grooming which causes tapeworms in their intestine. If this happens, your pets might suffer from diarrhea and other health problems.

In addition, fleas bite on humans can trigger allergic reactions. Flea bites do not have a serious impact on human health. However, extreme itchiness can damage one’s skin. Most importantly, if you are allergic you might suffer symptoms like breathing difficulty, swelling of the lips or tongue, dizziness, nausea and chest pain.

Usually, the bites often appear to be small with a central red spot in groups of three or four. Mostly, flea bites are around the feet, ankles and legs. Bites on humans are signs that flea has infested your property.

Do Fleas Like Hot Weather?

Generally, fleas prefer a temperature of 70°F up to 85°F but can still survive in cold weather during winter. This is the reason why they are more active during and after the summer months. A warm temperature is an ideal parameter for the flea to do their activities and reproduction. Eggs become more mature at the temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. However, long periods of heat, heat waves from drying clothes and sunrise can kill fleas and can destroy their eggs.

What Time of Day Are Fleas Most Active?

Fleas are nocturnal. This means they are most active during nighttime. Even though they love the high temperature, they prefer sunset to sunrise. One of the reasons is that they look for a host at night especially that they love biting when the host is sleeping. No doubt, flea bites arises without noticing any flea appearance. On the opposite side, fleas hide during the day to avoid disturbance. At home, they are mostly hiding in crevices, bedding and living rooms for reproduction.

In some cases, they are also inhabiting furniture, upholstery and other household furnishings that can warm them. In other words, fleas are everywhere despite not seeing them around. Their reproduction is not limited to day or night. They continue to hatch any time of the day.

Fleas in The House

Are you wondering why you acquired fleas even though you do not have pets? Generally, it is possible to have fleas in your house through rats and mice. Just like dogs and cats, these pests have also targeted a host of fleas. This is why eradicating these nuisance pests is like eradicating fleas as well.

Wildlife animals like skunks, squirrels, raccoons or opossums who visited your house can also bring you flea. When they carry flea eggs in their fur, flea eggs might fall in your garden or backyard. Over time, these eggs will develop and will turn into adult ones.

Birds can potentially be a reason for your fleas as well. If you let birds infest your property, you are also letting fleas in your home. In some cases, delivered furniture and cabinets can also be the way of fleas’ entry. Inside your house, fleas will find a safe place to hide and reproduce. Mostly, they will seek refuge in beddings, floor crevices, cabinets, furniture and other warm areas. If you have pets, they will likely attack them. If they cannot find any animals to be their host, you are their last choice.

Additionally, eradication of birds, rats and mice requires professional service to effectively get rid of them. Pest control Sydney offers pest control company experts like ABC Pest Control who executes solutions effectively and safely.

How to Get Rid Of Fleas In Home

As mentioned, fleas can enter your home in different ways. Once they are in, they are hard to get out. Most of the time, they are invisible to your eyes. However, out of a sudden, you have gained a lot of flea bites you never expected.

Vacuum all surfaces of the house

When vacuuming, use a powerful vacuum to assure fleas are cleared on floors, upholstery and mattresses. If possible, use a vacuum bag you can dispose of.

Use a steam cleaner

Use a steam cleaner to carpets, pet beds and all surfaces where your pets usually lie down. Although fleas love hot weather, they hate the combination of heat and soap. It may be adult, larvae or pupae.

Wash your and your pet’s bedding

Washing your pet’s bedding is not enough. Your pets may have contact with your beddings. Knowing that fleas reproduce quickly and transport from one place to another easily, they surely spread in your house.

Use chemical treatments

Fleas are hard to eliminate without pesticides. Aerosol sprays are most recommended especially permethrin and methoprene that kill flea adults, eggs, larvae and pupae. However, these should be sprayed if everyone is out of the house. Pets and people should not be present during the treatment. They are not also allowed to touch the treated surface until it was dried.

Contact A Pest Control Company

Pest control services are the safest and most assuring flea treatment. Pest control experts can determine the right treatment and execute them safely.

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Yard

Your yard can be a flea’s habitat. It can be a breeding ground for these parasites and later on will be transferred to your pets. Surely, these small blood-sucking pests are no small problem. To eradicate them in your yard, here are the tips:

Mow your lawn

Cut the lawns regularly and clear the surfaces entirely. Tallgrass is fleas favourite hiding area. Also, make sure to throw away cut lawns far from your house not on your compost pile beside your house.

Remove Dead leaves and flowers

Removing debris such as dead leaves and flowers will expose the plant to sunlight. Hence, fleas cannot go any longer under the sunlight. Make sure as well to clean debris under the bushes.

Avoid overwatering

Avoid overwatering your lawns because fleas love moisture areas. Lawns just need little water to survive. They can acquire it through irrigation and rainfall.

Clear clutter

Debris in your yard like stones, lumber piles and store pots can also attract fleas. It can be their hiding place to lay eggs.

Attract away wildlife

Animals like feral cats, squirrels, opossums, rabbits and deer can transport fleas into your property. You can make your yard less friendly to them through fencing.

Hire A Pest Control Service

Professional pest control services are the most guaranteed flea treatment. Surely, the above-mentioned ways can help lessen the flea infestation but not eliminate them. ABC Pest Control Sydney is a top-rated flea removal that can help you get rid of nuisance fleas.

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Pets

You do not want to get rashes and swollen bites while cuddling with your dogs and cats. Eliminating fleas in your pets is not a simple task. However, treating them on your own can help lessen the spread of fleas in your house. If you have seen signs of flea infestation in your pets, follow these simple steps:

Wash your pet’s bedding

Washing of your pet’s bedding should be done every two-three days. Wash them in a hot water and should dry under the sun. You can also send them in a dry cleaner but make sure the chemicals used in cleaning are not harmful to pets.

Use flea shampoo to your pets

Ask advice to your vet about the best shampoo that can remove the fleas of your pets. Most pet shampoos are flea removal containing pyrethrin.

Purchase a flea comb

By combing your pet, prepare a bowl with soapy water for fleas to get killed once they are combed out. Usually, they hide in the tail and neck areas of your pet.

Talk to your vet

If fleas are hard to remove, talk to your vet for the most effective remedy. Ask for non-toxic oral remedies for the safety of your pets.

End Of Lease Flea Treatment

End of lease flea treatment is a legal requirement in New South Wales. The property landlord is responsible to meet health and safety laws. Both landlords and tenants with pets are required pest control for the safety of the present and future tenants.

End of lease pest control is necessary to have a safe home free from fleas. It doesn’t if your property is the cleanest in town, fleas will attack your area to stay and flourish.

Flea is not the only reason why you are required of end of lease pest control. Usually, boarding houses and apartments are potential habitats for cockroaches, ants and rats. Since pests are dangerous to health and building structure, end of lease pest control will help address this problem.

You can contact ABC Pest Control Sydney anytime for end of lease flea removal. They also cover various pest control services ensuring you they will exterminate all sorts of pests.

Professional Pest Control

Fleas removal is not an easy task. To eradicate them, professional pest control services are required. If you are residing in Sydney, you should look for the most effective, safe and cost-friendly pest control company.

If you search for pest control in Sydney, you would find ABC Pest Control on top of the list. This company offers a variety of pest services ranging from fleas, cockroaches, rats and mice, drain flies, spiders, birds, ticks, possums, wasps, etc.

In addition, if you find pests are hard to deal with, contact ABC Pest Control Sydney. They are a top-rated pest control company with over 20 years of experience. Visit their website and Google My Business for more details.